Command input
For safe access of command arguments / options you can extend GetValueFactoryCommand
that provides $this->inputData
with wrapped arguments and options in GetValue
class MyCommand extends GetValueFactoryCommand {
protected $signature = 'test {argument} {--option} {--value=}';
public function handle(): void
// Ensures that you will get a string
// Get bool (option always return bool)
// Returns nullable string
Allows you access GetValue
instance within your FormRequest
by extending GetValueFormRequest
class TestFormRequest extends GetValueFormRequest
final public const KeyTest = 'test';
public function rules(): array
return [
self::KeyTest => ['sometimes', 'string'],
public function getTest(): ?string
return $this->data->getString(self::KeyTest);
Get value instance uses only validated data.
We have implemented helper functions that pulls array data from Laravel requests:
- InitializesArrayData
with FormRequest and uses only validated array data.$this->getValueFactory->requestAll($request);
- InitializesArrayData
with all values from the requests$this->getValueFactory->command($request);
- InitializesArrayData
with command arguments and options.
class TestAction {
public function __construct(private readonly \Wrkflow\GetValue\GetValueFactory $getValueFactory) {}
public function execute(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request): strin {
return $this->getValueFactory
// 1. Dependency injection, 2.
$test = app(TestAction::class)->execute();
Dependency injection
To change the implementation using dependency injection just bind contracts below in your framework container:
Wrkflow\GetValue\Contracts\TransformerStrategyContract $transformerStrategy
Wrkflow\GetValue\Contracts\ExceptionBuilderContract $exceptionBuilder
Example for Laravel:
class MyServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register (): void {
$this->app->bind(Wrkflow\GetValue\Contracts\TransformerStrategyContract::class, MyTransformerStrategy::class);
$this->app->bind(Wrkflow\GetValue\Contracts\ExceptionBuilderContract::class, MyExceptionBuilder::class);